Florida High School Democrats (FLHSD) is a statewide political organization in Florida that serves as an entry point to Democratic politics for youth activists from across the Sunshine State. 

​With our vast network of resources and chapters, we aim to provide a powerful and collective voice for politically active high school students. FLHSD is entirely student run and dedicated members from all walks of life have the chance to open new doors through their involvement in projects and events. We regularly host speakers, statewide programming, and more and provide direct pathways to get involved with the Florida Democratic Party. Join us today and help us create the change you want to see in Florida!

FLHSD is the official high school caucus under the Florida Democratic Party; we are the youngest voting body in the party structure. As a voting caucus, we vote as a member of the state’s Central and Executive committees. Our unique power within the party gives FLHSD the formal power and recognition that many youth organizations lack. We are one of three youth caucuses and vote alongside the Florida College Democrats and Florida Young Democrats. Our partnership with the Florida Democratic Party allows high schoolers a voice in an established party structure like never before and gives FLHSD resources to software such as Votebuilder and Mobilize. 

​FLHSD has an executive board that is elected every June. This board is made up of current high school students who have shown dedication to both Democratic principles and leadership. With over 40 school chapters exist across the state, our school chapters have hosted Democratic representatives, voter registration drives, phone banking initiatives, and much more. For members who can’t participate in a school chapter, we offer the opportunity to become a state staffer under the Communications, Policy, or Development departments. Additionally, students can become a member of their DEC’s Youth Student Council depending upon their county. These councils help connect students directly to DEC leadership in order to foster civic skills, assist in DEC initiatives, and bring a youth perspective to county organizing.



Rhea Maniar, Chair

Rhea Maniar (she/her) is a senior at Trinity Preparatory School in Winter Park. She is the Chair of the Florida High School Democrats, a chapter of High School Democrats of America, and the official high school caucus of the Florida Democratic Party.

Gabi Fabozzi, Vice-Chair

Gabi is an 18-year-old senior attending Boone High School in Downtown Orlando. In addition to being Vice Chair, she is HSDA’s Southeast Regional Director, a member of the FDP Youth Council, and is one of Florida’s representatives on the HSDA National Committee. 

Madalyn Propst, Director of Policy

Madalyn is a Senior at Lake Brantley High School in Altamonte Springs. As the Director of Policy, she organizes FLHSD’s legislative efforts. 

Nikhil Daniel, Director of Development

Nikhil Daniel (he/him) is a sophomore at Trinity Preparatory School. He is the Director of Development of the Florida High School Democrats as well as HSDA’s Data Director on the national level. 



After registering, you will receive an email with a link to join our Slack, a Florida membership form as well as a link to register your school chapter. Registering as an HSDA member also lets us send you monthly newsletters with updates, announcements and opportunities. 



State team staffer: Pick your choice- policy, communications, or development. Our 3 statewide departments are led by an executive board member to run statewide operations.

Policy Team

  • Advocate for regional- and state-specific issues prioritized by Gen Z, closely analyzing trends, political discourse, current and potential state legislation, etc.

  • Works closely with legislators

  • Tracks legislation pertaining to Gen Z within the Florida Legislature

  • Any other special legislative or statutory research  projects as requested by the Executive Board

Communications Team

  • Manage all social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, combining messaging strategies of infographics, interactive posts, etc.

  • Attempts to recruit new members and increase outreach

  • Assists local candidates with youth messaging strategies

  • They will act as the mainline of contact for external organizations and be the Executive Board’s official scheduler and planner.  They will be in charge of managing media outlets of the State Unit.

  • Manage all social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, combining messaging strategies of infographics, interactive posts, etc.

  • Attempts to recruit new members through DM campaigns, and increase outreach and online engagement

  • Assists local candidates with youth messaging strategies and amplification of content

  • Highlights and amplifies actions of FLHSD and any staff members pertaining to any legislative victories, statewide demonstrations, or other political actions.

  • Collects photographic and video documentation from our members and teams, and assembles them into material to be dispersed on social media and on any FLHSD Materials to display our progress, efforts, and successes.

Development Team

  • Organize information and gather clubs directories

  • Create master contact lists

  • Make sure graduating seniors are out of Action Network

  • Shall maintain contact with chapter leaders and consolidate chapter cabinet lists & statewide membership. Individual chapters’ membership will contribute to collective state membership. Maintain all logistical records and data of FLHSD within Action Network. 

  • Develops new strategies for growing our base and recruiting new members.

  • Coordinates with the Communications Team for any social media or outreach messaging necessary to enact these new strategies. 

  • Works to mobilize our members statewide in response to any regional or statewide initiatives, protests, demonstrations, or other actions FLHSD is participating in or directing.

  • Coordinates with the Communications Team to effectively mobilize our staffers.

  • Is responsible for collecting and maintaining photographic and video documentation of our efforts on the ground in regard to the above demonstrations and initiatives.

School Chapter: Join or start a High School Democrats club at your school. Connect with local officials, your peers, and campaigns to bring HSDA to you and your school! Local chapters within individual high schools across the state make up the pulse of FLHSD as a whole. Members on the local level work on campaigns, hold rallies and events, invite elected officials and prominent speakers, hold voter registration drives, and canvass in their communities to improve their communities and turn their states blue. Check out the Toolkit for School Chapters Button above!

DEC Youth Student Councils: For students aged 14-22 to connect with their county democrats chapter for those who may not be able to join or start a school club. Availability based on your county. Check Slack for more information.