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 What We Believe

The High School Democrats of America has, through National Committee resolutions, press releases, declared statements, and acts of the Executive Board, developed its beliefs and opinions that align with a majority of its members and with the progressive cause. Ahead of the 2024 DNC Convention, HSDA began development of a Platform on which to base its advocacy and through which it would lobby for progressive issues in the Democratic Party Platform. This Platform (which can be accessed by clicking on the button below) is effective from 2024-2028.

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2024-2028 Platform


As stated in the 2020 Platform of the Democratic Party, America is an idea—an idea that has prevailed over darkness and authoritarianism, and an idea that has been a beacon of hope for millions of people across the globe. America is an incomplete idea; it is a project that is constantly being worked on and it is a project that requires the involvement of all citizens, young and old, to collaborate and work towards a better American society. Despite falling short of our ideals and values throughout history, we have never stopped in our attempts to build a more perfect union. Our mark on the American fabric is still being made, but, with this Platform, the High School Democrats of America will spell out our visions for the bold idea that is our nation.


HSDA has established the following as our main priorities for legislative advocacy for the next four years:

  1. Education

  2.  Reproductive Justice

  3.  Gun Violence Prevention

  4.  Climate Justice

  5.  Civil Rights and Social Equality

  6.  Labor



The High School Democrats of America believes in upholding and enforcing the rule of law evenly and equally. We believe in the U.S. Constitution and its amendments, the federalist distribution of power, and the ability of individuals to make decisions with limited government interference. Most importantly, we believe in reducing the number of youth in our prisons and detention centers through rehabilitative measures and prevention efforts.


  • We believe no discriminatory travel or immigration bans should be enacted.

  • We believe in protected entry for asylum seekers, including victims of gang and domestic violence, as well as LGBTQ+ people who are unsafe in their home countries.

  • We believe in family unity and support family reunification programs as well as the removal of immigration barriers keeping loved ones apart. 

  • We support expanded pathways to legal citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including by reducing application backlogs and expanding DACA, TPS, parole, and DED. We support policies to ensure immigrants can become full and equal citizens, such as through inclusion services, bilingual education, and workforce development.

  • We believe border policies must be humanitarian and must respect previously established environmental and indigenous sovereignty laws.

  • We believe employers must be held accountable, follow labor protections, and promote workers’ rights regardless of immigration status.

  • We believe raids in locations with children and vulnerable populations, such as schools and health care facilities, must be prohibited. We believe detention is solely a last resort and the detention of children must ensure access to education. We instead prioritize investments in community-based alternatives.

  • We believe the root crises driving migration must be addressed through global assistance programs to mitigate violence, poverty, corruption, lack of educational opportunity, and the effects of climate change.


  • We believe that our incarceration system needs reform and that we must deprivatize the prison system by taking for-profit operators out of the equation.

  • We believe in banning the practice of capital punishment in most circumstances.

  • We believe in reducing the size of the incarcerated population through rehabilitative and treatment-based justice.

  • We support evidence-based investments in education, employment opportunities, health care, and housing that address the root causes of violence and are proven to keep communities safe.

  • We believe in helping those who have served their time to re-enter society as the full citizens they are through equitable access to support services.

  • We support a national re-examination of sentencing guidelines to ensure justice is being served properly in a humane manner.

  • We call for an end to the death penalty in all forms.

  • We believe in breaking the school-to-prison pipeline that relies on law enforcement to address misbehavior and instead support de-escalation services within schools through the funding of school counselors, nurses, and social workers.

  • We oppose any undue punishment towards teens and children in the criminal justice system. We prioritize the development of community-based alternatives such as after-school programs to uplift young people at risk.

  • We believe misconduct in police departments must be held accountable through robust training in nonviolent tactics and implicit biases. We believe force must be only used as a last resort.

  • We support community-based approaches to policing including partnerships with social workers and mental health counselors so that the needs of each neighborhood are met.


  • We believe the best course of action on drug policy is to provide treatment for the victims of addiction and to provide criminal punishment to drug dealers who sell to minors or sell illegally.

  • We support establishing partnerships between local police, municipalities, hospitals, and school districts to support rehabilitation and reduce incarceration for drug offenses.

  • We support decriminalizing marijuana at the national level to allow states to make their own decisions about recreational marijuana usage.

  • We believe that Richard Nixon’s War on Drugs failed and we must divest from the policies of the war on drugs and funnel that money into meaningful, community-based drug abuse prevention

  • We call on the prosecution of those who fueled the opioid epidemic by intentional negligence that has endangered Americans nationwide.

  • We support the private right of action against corporations who allow dangerous, addictive substances to run rampant with little oversight.

  • We oppose marketing addictive substances to youth, in particular e-cigarettes and vapes.


  • We believe that we must prioritize every American’s right to life by enacting common sense gun control laws including permitting restrictions and enforcing training requirements.

  • We believe that a national emergency on gun violence must be declared.

  • We believe that gun violence must be treated as a public health crisis and that investments must be made in community-based initiatives to decrease violence, including by increasing access to mental health care services and protections against domestic violence.

  • We believe the gun lobby and industry must be held accountable.

  • We support red flag laws, background checks for licensing and purchasing, and safe storage laws. We support the closure of loopholes that undermine the protection of gun laws regarding sales.

  • We support a ban on the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

  • We strongly support and emphasize the provision of the Second Amendment that declares that the right to bear arms must be “well-regulated.”

  • We oppose guns in schools and arming teachers.


Section Preamble

The High School Democrats of America seek to support and strengthen the coalition of all different people regardless of age, ancestry, ethnicity, race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability status, and creed. We believe that the traditions and laws of the United States of America point towards a rule of equity for all persons in our borders and abroad. We believe the government has a role in preserving and protecting the rights of all Americans, including an obligation to let Americans live and love as they choose.

Civil rights & liberties

  • We believe that Congress must restart the process to add the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

  • We support Title IX reforms to protect transgender students and survivors of sexual violence.

  • We support the push for racial and class equity in all sectors of American society.

  • We support the Obergefell v. Hodges decision to recognize the right of same-sex couples to marry; furthermore, we call on Congress to enshrine this right in federal statute.

  • We support the right of all Americans to make personal decisions about their own lives free from government interference or surveillance within the realms of previously-established constitutional guidelines.

  • We believe that discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in all sectors is unjust, and we support efforts to enact the Equality Act.

  • We call on the Justice Department to fund the Civil Rights Division at maximum capacity to investigate any and all civil rights violations at all levels of government and society.

Poverty as a social issue

  • We consider poverty to be a social issue that is the result of corporate greed and government inaction.

  • We support a radical expansion of affordable housing.

  • We oppose anti-homeless infrastructure and laws that seek to criminalize being homeless.

  • We call on municipalities to invest in connectivity and well-paying jobs to end the root cause of homelessness and push money into the economy.

  • We condemn the ideas of trickle down economics and call on Congress to ensure that the tax code fairly distributes the tax burden so poor Americans aren’t footing the bill.

  • We support vocational training and financial education to ensure that the disadvantaged and impoverished have tools to lead financially sustainable lives.

  • We support microlending practices in high-poverty areas in the United States so small businesses and charities can lift their communities out of poverty.

  • We call on Congress to renew the Child Tax Credit.

  • We support the recognition of food and housing as basic human rights and call on all governments to seek to provide all residents with the same.

  • We oppose redlining practices which limit the financial mobility of lower and middle income families in cities.

Accessibility in public

  • We affirm and support the American Disabilities Act and see its enforcement as key to bringing about a fair America for all of those, regardless of physical or mental ability.

  • We call on law enforcement agencies to enforce standards and training on how to engage with the disabled to minimize conflict escalation.

  • We support laws which promote justice for disabled persons in the workplace, in public, at home, and in schools.

  • We support programs that ensure a smooth transition for young people with disabilities as they enter higher education and/or the workforce.

  • We support Medicaid reform to remove institutional barriers and bias against young people with disabilities.

  • We support the participation of people with disabilities in reforming healthcare and in policy discussions.

  • We oppose obstacles that prevent Americans with disabilities from enjoying public parks and spaces.


Section Preamble

The High School Democrats of America believe that innovation and development have driven American success and fueled the American Dream. We believe that a truly equitable and fair society preserves a clean, safe environment for all its citizens. We believe that the youth of today should breathe clean air, drink clean water, and see our natural world flourish instead of perish. We also believe that technology should be harnessed as a tool for positive change to bring about equity and sustainability.

Environmental justice

  • We support holding corporations and industries accountable for pollutants and emissions produced.

  • We recognize that climate change is not an issue that can be combated by individuals alone and must instead be addressed through systemic change toward cleaner energy and sustainable manufacturing practices.

  • We believe in the Declaration of a National Climate Emergency

  • We believe that membership in the Paris Climate Agreement must be continued.

  • We believe that net-zero greenhouse gas emissions must be achieved as soon as possible through the employment of clean energy and energy efficient solutions in all sectors.

  • We believe that the transition into zero-emission vehicles must be adopted.

  • We believe in an accelerated timeline for the elimination of fossil fuel subsidies and oil and gas production on public lands.

  • We call for a national clean energy standard, along with further measures to increase development of renewable energy and electrify buildings and transportation.

  • We believe in generational equity in climate justice and recognize the rights of children and youth to a clean, healthful, sustainable world and future.

  • We believe in protecting workers and communities by investing in affordable housing in response to climate emergencies and unionized clean energy jobs.

Natural resources

  • We demand the phasing out of fossil fuels and support the implementation of green and clean energy.

  • We support sustainable mining practices that improve the economic and living conditions of workers and communities.

  • We oppose fracking in all forms.

  • We oppose new offshore drilling and ask for new regulations to protect the safety and wellbeing of ocean ecosystems.

  • We oppose clearcutting and support regulation and management by the U.S. Forestry Service to protect America’s old growth forests.

  • We oppose dredge fishing and support fishing regulations that protect marine ecosystems.

  • We call on Congress to set national standards for oil and gas collections that are stable and not changed by executive order.

  • We oppose oil and gas pipelines running across Native nation territory and across protected natural territory.

Energy Policy

  • We support a transition in the American energy sector from gas and oil to renewable energy that is sourced in America.

  • We support a unified energy grid to prevent disasters that result in the isolation of a state or region in the country.

  • We support government support of nuclear energy including regulations that promote the safe storage and disposal of nuclear waste and byproduct.

  • We support tax subsidies for electric vehicle purchases and government incentives to buy low-emitting vehicles.

  • We oppose relying on foreign nations for energy and support an economic withdrawal from the oil and gas industries abroad.

Agriculture & farming

  • We support collaboration with farmers and ranchers to find sustainable practices that reduce and remove greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector including land-use practices to increase soil health and decrease trapped carbon and nitrogen gasses.

  • We support incentives that encourage environmentally-sustainable agriculture such as water conservation, methane capture, composting, and balanced land use.

  • We support measures that protect rural communities that preserve farmland and open space while also expanding economic opportunities and growth for residents.

  • We support the protection of family farms and want to ensure they can compete with large agribusiness corporations in a healthy manner.

  • We support the realignment of farm subsidies that support small, medium, family, and organic farms rather than large agribusiness.

  • We support a path to citizenship for undocumented farm workers who comprise roughly half of all agricultural workers.

  • We oppose American corporations outsourcing agricultural needs to offshore farms that have unfair wages and labor practices; we call on businesses to adopt farming ethics standards to ensure farmers are treated fairly.

  • We support a balance between animal welfare and our animal husbandry industries. We support regulations protecting the living conditions of animals.

  • We seek to address food inequalities by investing in underserved communities, ending food deserts, and supporting charitable organizations that seek to end hunger in America.

Technological advancements

  • Considering the amount of carbon emissions generated by vehicular traffic, we support investment in and development of sustainable transit to improve economies and support our environment.

  • We support the development of green vehicles and alternatives to gasoline; we consider it essential that further tax credits and funding are made.

  • We support government subsidies for the development of semiconductor chips in U.S. businesses to increase economic competition with China.

  • We support an independent federal agency to regulate social media and technology corporations akin to the FDA, established by congressional statute.

  • We oppose social media companies’ inaction on mental health crises and hate on their platforms. We call on social media companies to regulate their content with assistance from the government.

Scientific research, exploration, & ethics

  • We believe that scientific research drives growth and development and should not be limited to labs with private funding or cities with wealth; scientific research opportunities should be available to anyone willing to take initiative, not just those in big cities.

  • We support government and corporation investment in space exploration.

  • We support a standardized ethical code for scientific research that protects humans, animals, and researchers.

  • We support ocean exploration for the sake of science.


section preamble

The High School Democrats of America believe that an educated population is key to a healthy democracy; it is a public good, not a commodity or business. We believe that every student has the right to an expansive, unbiased, and free education between pre-K and 12th grade. We believe that families have the right to manage their internal affairs so long as the rights and freedoms of children are respected. We believe the government ought to facilitate a system in which children flourish and mature into contributing citizens that heal a fractured democracy.

primary & secondary schools

  • We support education reform including a radical increase in education funding for teacher wage increases and funding for supplies in classrooms.

  • We call on school administrators and districts to increase tutoring options, provide interventions for failing students, and allow for excelling students to find more opportunities.

  • We support stronger civics education in secondary schools to build better citizens.

  • We propose strengthening the Career & Technical Education programs in high schools across the country to prepare students for the workforce.

  • We support greater access to climate education in schools and increased funding for 21st century, sustainability-oriented updates to school infrastructure.

  • We support censorship prevention in all schools by actively preventing book bans, curriculum censorship, DEI bans, and other overt and concealed methods of preventing students from accessing educational materials freely.

  • We are against the school-to-prison pipeline and support efforts to make schools less punitive and more inclusive.

  • We demand all students be supported, whether through increased interventions and tutoring programs for at-risk students or opportunities for excelling students.

  • We support comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education in schools that is queer-inclusive.

  • We support universal pre-K programs and to ensure access to high-quality early childhood education for all youth.

  • We support the inclusion of high quality health care and nutrition services in all schools, including by expanding universal free school meal programs and after-school programs.

  • We urge the Supreme Court to overturn the San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez decision to create equitable, evidence-based funding for all public school systems.

  • We oppose the usage of school vouchers and instead support investing our public tax dollars in our public schools.

college & vocational education

  • We believe that every American, if they choose to, should be able to access post-secondary education within a reasonable price. We also believe that it is essential to fund our Department of Education and, by extension, increase Title I funding alongside Pell Grants to fully give every student the same tools to succeed in their future endeavors.

  • We support reforming the student loan process to prevent the exploitation of new students under long-lasting loan payments.

  • We support further student loan cancellation and efforts to reduce the costs of higher education across the board.

  • We support addition to and development of summer programs, early college programs, and trade school programs to allow more students to take opportunities to explore their possible future college and career paths.

  • We support the protection of free speech on campuses while also ensuring the safety of every student and faculty member. We call on colleges to adopt clear rules that standardize treatment for groups that engage in free speech activities.


section preamble

The High School Democrats of America believe that a healthy economy thrives on clean transportation and conscientious development of urban areas. We believe that youth are key stakeholders in urban development and infrastructure plans and should be consulted on urban planning. We believe that unchecked urban sprawl and poor planning will lead to a lack of affordable housing, a lack of efficient transportation, and a decrease in economic equity, with youth often getting the short end of gentrification.

transportation infrastructure

  • We encourage the construction and use of more sustainable public transportation systems across the country to increase accessibility and lower emissions.

  • We support high-speed rail infrastructure across the country and call on Congress to support public and private investment in high-speed rail, which we believe would fuel the economy and bring thousands of jobs to the economy.

  • We support giving all students fee waivers to use public transportation to get around their cities.

  • We support pedestrian-friendly infrastructure that prioritizes the safety of walkers and bikers over adding lanes to roads.

  • We support improving the interconnectedness of the states and the strengthening of our economic union through highways and waterways.

  • We oppose letting old bridges and passes go unnoticed and uncared for. We call on the federal, state, and local governments to collaborate on replacing old bridges and standardizing safety for all bridges.

  • We support funding our ports and harbors to promote marine travel, boating, and international shipping trade.

Urban housing & homelessness

  • We support divesting from traditional single-family housing to allow for more affordable housing.

  • We encourage the Department of Housing and Urban Development and municipal governments to examine new ways to combat homelessness including tiny housing and affordable apartment complexes, as well as the banning of anti-homeless architecture.

  • We support federal tenant protections, including rent control and eviction protection, as well as greater accountability for landlords.

  • We oppose the criminalization of homelessness, especially penalizing those sleeping in public or those asking for food or money.

Sustainable civil planning

  • We support greener cities with environmentally sustainable engineering including green roofs, green walls, rainwater collection, and city parks to lower surface-level temperatures and prevent erosion.

  • We encourage future development to focus on pedestrian traffic by increasing safety and walkability for pedestrians.

  • We hope to ensure that our cities are designed for all modes of transit, not just motor vehicles.

  • We support amending zoning regulations to accommodate the needs of a 21st-century America.

  • We support incorporating recycled products into civil planning and development to reduce waste and minimize costs.

  • We support government-protected areas in all cities for the preservation of biodiversity and local ecosystems.

  • We encourage local municipalities to ensure that students always have the option to walk to their schools on safe sidewalks.


section preamble

The High School Democrats of America believe that the government has a responsibility to protect those within their borders from disease and death. We believe that youth are uniquely impacted by health issues due to biological and psychological susceptibility to pre-existing conditions, genetic issues, eating disorders, and mental health issues. We believe that government policies can curb many issues before they seriously impact health and that these policies should exist for the benefit of youth and their futures.

healthcare policy, Medicare, & medicaid

  • We believe that healthcare is a public good, not a commodity or business.

  • We believe every American should be able to receive quality healthcare at an affordable price.

  • We believe in empowering Medicare to negotiate and lower prescription drug prices for all purchasers.

  • We support increased price transparency in the health care system.

  • We support a Medicare for All, universal single payer health care system that is accessible for all Americans.

Mental healthcare

  • We believe that mental healthcare should be protected and accessible to all, especially students and minority populations.

  • We support increased training and hiring of mental health providers, substance use disorder counselors, and support counselors in communities and schools.

  • We oppose social media companies’ continued lack of regulation regarding mental health. We support prosecution of those who let suicide and depression run rampant due to their inaction.

reproductive justice

  • We believe that abortion rights should be protected and that every American should be entitled to make reproductive choices about their own body.

  • We believe that menstrual hygiene products should be accessible and untaxed.

  • We believe that birth control and contraception access should be expanded.

  • We believe that access to fertility methods, such as in vitro fertilization, must be protected.

  • We oppose banning morning-after pills and mifepristone.

  • We oppose the Hyde Amendment and call on Congress to make reproductive care more affordable for all.

nutrition & preventative policies

  • We call for a re-evaluation of nutritional education for youth to prevent the obesity epidemic and early onset health problems due to poor dieting.

  • We call for greater support and protected healthcare for those experiencing eating disorders.

  • We support efforts to make school nutrition healthier but oppose unfunded mandates, which only yield low-quality food for students.

  • We support bringing high-quality and healthy food to low-income communities and oppose the environmental racism in urban areas that results in high rates of nutrition-related illness.


section preamble

The High School Democrats of America believe that free and fair elections are the backbone of a healthy democracy. We believe that youth have often been deprived of their democratic rights and should be given the opportunity to be heard. We believe that the United States is a flawed democracy; it is a democracy that requires youth input to heal its flaws and work towards a more perfect union.

voting rights

  • We believe that the current voting system in America does not accurately reflect the will of the majority and we encourage reform. We believe that every citizen, regardless of race, income, disability status, or English language proficiency, deserves the full and equal right to vote.

  • We believe the voting age must be lowered to 16 to enable and empower the youth to voice their concerns.

  • We support automatic voter registration.

  • We support options to register to vote when obtaining a driver’s license in order to simplify the process for teens.

  • We oppose barriers to voting such as unnecessarily onerous voter ID laws and the purging of voter rolls.

  • We oppose paper ballot systems of voting as archaic and flawed, decreasing trust in our systems and yielding confusion at the ballot box.

  • We support expanding polling locations to college and high school campuses to ensure students can easily vote.

  • We believe in the protection and value of absentee voting, which makes civic participation more accessible to Americans.

  • We support sending absentee ballots to students at college and abroad to ensure their votes are a part of the democratic process.

campaigning activites & finance

  • We condemn the Citizens United ruling and call for the removal of dark money from politics and greater campaign finance transparency.

  • We oppose partisan gerrymandering, which distorts our democracy, and support increased transparency and regulation regarding redistricting.

  • We oppose corporate money as free speech and advocate for the removal of corporate money from campaign finance.

Voting methods & the electoral college

  • We support voting methods that are alternatives to first-past-the-post voting, including ranked-choice voting, in order to strengthen the power of the electorate.

  • We call on Congress to conduct an examination of the Electoral College and consider reforming or abolishing the Electoral College.

  • We oppose switching to paper ballots as an unnecessary action that only complicates the voting process.

  • We call for the protection of absentee and mail-in ballots, which are often used by college students and makes voting more accessible.

Representation of D.C., Puerto Rico, & Native American Nations

  • We advocate for the full voting rights of citizens in U.S. territories to permanently grant the full extent of citizenship to all under U.S. jurisdiction.

  • We support giving the District of Columbia representation in the United States House of Representatives.

  • We affirm historical treaties with the various Native American nations and tribes that guarantee representation to the U.S. Congress and ask for the seating of their representatives in the Capitol.

  • We support the right of self-determination of the Puerto Rican people to move forward in a manner that is supported by a majority of Puerto Ricans, through publicly accessible referendums on statehood, commonwealth status, independence, or loose association.

Congress, the Supreme Court, & Ethics

  • We support applying a legally binding code of ethics to the Supreme Court and all federal courts in order to reduce corruption and outside influence on decisions.

  • We oppose letting elected members of the federal government trade stocks or alter investments while in office. We consider this legalized insider trading and see it as contrary to ideals of transparency. We support a ban on congressional stock trading.

  • We support the funding and strengthening of the internal watchdog agencies and Inspectors General of the executive branch to ensure the government is working for the people.

  • We support nonpartisan redistricting committees being instituted to prevent political gerrymandering.

  • We support abolishing the filibuster.


section preamble

The High School Democrats of America believe that young people are one of the most severely impacted groups in the face of war, disease, and humanitarian crises and that, in times of crisis and war, no one truly wins. We believe the United States and the international community must always act in the name of stability, peace, and freedom. We believe that all youth should grow up without fear of terrorism, war, or insecurity.

our beliefs

  • We support the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and our allies in Europe, calling for a strengthening of the alliance and the maintenance of security domestically.

  • We support the trade bloc maintained with Canada and Mexico that improves labor rights, human rights, and environmental protections during business.

  • We support freedom and democracy for all peoples of the Americas and call on the United States and other multilateral organizations to facilitate free and fair elections.

  • We condemn the dictatorial regimes of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and the gang-run riots in Haiti. We call for international assistance to restore order and basic political and human rights.

  • We oppose the U.S. embargo of Cuba.

  • We oppose the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest and applaud efforts to replant the rainforest, particularly efforts led by the indigenous caretakers of the Amazon.

  • We support Ukraine in their war against the Russian invasion onto their sovereign territory as the security of Europe depends on fighting Russian aggression.

  • We support a strong European Union that can partner with the United States as part of an international effort to maintain peace and stability globally.

  • We support the expansion of the NATO bloc.

  • We call for members of NATO to meet the requirements of membership and contribute more to the collective defense of the alliance.

  • We oppose the far-right regimes that have emerged in Russia, Poland, Hungary, and Italy.

  • We condemn the restriction of democracy by the Lukashenko regime in Belarus.

  • We oppose Republican attempts to halt financial and military aid to Ukraine in Congress in Ukraine’s fight against Russian invasion.

  • We support removing the Russian Federation from the U.N. Security Council in its capacity as a pariah state that seeks to destabilize the global order.

  • We support U.S. and international aid in the fight against diseases like AIDS, malaria, Zika, West Nile virus, and COVID-19.

  • We support the right of all African peoples to self-determination.

  • We support international efforts to stabilize war-torn countries and regions like Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, South Sudan, and across the Sahel region.

  • We oppose ethnic cleansing and genocide in Ethiopia, Sudan, and other regions.

  • We oppose the terrorism of Boko Haram and other terrorist groups operating across Africa.

  • We support giving African communities the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.

  • We support the Great Green Wall project of the African Union and oppose calls for its end; we see this as an eco-friendly way to prevent desertification and improve living conditions in the southern Sahara.

  • We believe that Iran is a destabilizing force in the Middle East that funds insurgent militias and supports international efforts to counter Iranian warmongering.

  • We believe that Israel and Palestine must return to the negotiating table and work towards a solution that continues the progress shown by Oslo I and Oslo II Accords. Such a peace settlement must include security for both Israelis and Palestinians while recognizing the right of self-determination and governance for Palestinian territories.

  • We condemn unilateral “forever wars” in the Middle East and call for multilateral cooperation by international actors to fight terrorism and authoritarianism in destabilized nations.

  • We believe that Taiwan must remain independent and democratic, free of fear and aggression by the People’s Republic of China.

  • We support open navigation in the South China Sea, free of Chinese aggression.

  • We support American military alliances with Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

  • We oppose the development of North Korea’s nuclear program and its authoritarian regime.

  • We support diplomatic efforts for peace on the Korean peninsula.

  • We support peace and democracy for the people of Myanmar and call for an end to the military junta.

  • We call on the United States to compete with the Chinese Belt & Road initiative which would have African and Asian countries become economically dependent on China.

  • We oppose the genocide of Uyghurs in Xianjiang and call for international sanctions on China and labor camp-produced goods.


section preamble

The High School Democrats of America believe that today’s youth should not inherit a government behind on its payments and in financial chaos. We believe that a healthy economy relies on competitive prices, a fair market, and the rights of workers. We believe that youth should have protections in the workplace to prevent injury or burnout. We believe that youth should not be preyed upon by predatory firms seeking to sell unhealthy or illicit products through attractive advertising. We believe America is a flawed capitalist society that must be fixed to work for all citizens, young and old.

labor, wages, & unions

  • We support at least a $15 minimum wage and call for a regular review of wages to keep up with inflation rights and cost of living.

  • We believe in national protections against child labor, expanded paid leave options, and extended worker protections.

  • We believe the right of workers to unionize must be protected and labor laws must be updated to make this right more accessible.

taxation & government spending

  • We support a reform of the tax code that increases the marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans.

  • We support replacing property taxes with land-value-added taxes to make property ownership more equitably taxed.

  • We support tax cuts on the middle and working classes to bolster economic growth and the household wealth of America’s bottom 50%.

  • We oppose defunding the Internal Revenue Service and call for a vigorous enforcement of the tax code so the wealthy cannot avoid paying what they owe.

  • We support expansions of the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit.

  • We support fair, gradual policies that decrease the national debt to ensure that our generation does not have to pay for the negligent spending habits of the federal government current.


section preamble

The High School Democrats of America believe that youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow’s America; we believe that we are, and should be, the leaders of today. We believe youth have a stake in our nation’s government and politics, ergo, we support giving youth representation in all places where decisions impacting us are made. We believe youth have rights at school, at home, and in public, and that our liberties are not surrendered when we walk through school doors. We believe that the United States must take action to protect youth globally, first by taking the step of ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

the rights of children

  • We support the Tinker v. Des Moines ICSD decision and affirm that the First Amendment rights of children are not waived when they enter school.

  • We believe every child has the right to a loving household.

youth representation

  • We believe that youth need to be involved in every step of the governmental process.

  • We support the Democratic National Committee’s continued expansion of youth voices on the Committee and call on members of the DNC to listen to the voices of youth.

youth & foreign affairs

  • We call on the United States Senate to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


 Legislative Endorsements


Fight book bans act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

Green new deal for public schools act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

Women’s health protection act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

Menstrual equity for all act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

Real Education and Access for Health Youth Act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

People’s Response Act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

A.Donald McEachin Environmental Justice for All Act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

Green New Deal for Public Housing Act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

Equality Act

Read the bill

Read our endorsement

Equal Rights Amendment

Read the text

Read our endorsement

Transgender Bill of Rights

Read the bill

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Youth Voting Rights Act

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John Lewis Voting Rights Act

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CHILD Labor Act

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The High School Democrats of America endorsed several key pieces of legislation in the 118th Congress. Resolution N.C. 23-2: A Resolution to Express Support for the Green New Deal for Public Schools Act and Resolution N.C. 23-6: A Resolution to Express Support for the Fight Book Bans Act were the initial National Committee legislative endorsements. Aligned with the new Platform, Resolution E.B. 23-16 was passed by the Executive Board and approved by the National Committee to endorse more laws and policies.

All of the current pieces of legislation endorsed by the High School Democrats of America can be viewed here.