The Difference Is Clear

Article by Audrey Hopper, TPT Staff Writer

With the continued finding of various classified documents at the houses of both current and former White House inhabitants, it is important to treat both situations in the same manner while still taking into consideration the differences. In both cases,  officials were found to be in possession of documents they should not have had. In both cases, the documents were found after a search of the individuals offices  and homes. Though much about these situations seem to imply that the same things happened both times, that is very far from the truth. The cause of each search, as well as the resulting reactions to what was found, is peculiar when examined more closely. President Biden was, overall, forthright about the situation and willing to reveal information. Former President Trump, on the other hand, was secretive, manipulative, and ultimately combative during, and after the process. 

 In total there currently have been around 300 documents found within former President Trump’s belongings, whereas there have been only at least 23 documents found within the possession of current President Biden. While federal investigations are ongoing within both cases, the staggering difference in numbers regarding the number of documents found is clear. Both parties should not be in possession of unauthorized classified documents but taking into consideration both the current presidential status, as well as the number of documents found, it is clear that the former president has committed more offenses. 

Photo via AZ Central / Jim Watson / Getty Images

Having the numbers in mind is one thing but to look at the situations surrounding the finding of documents is imperative. The former president’s Mar A Lago home was searched in August of last year by an FBI raid during an ongoing investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding the handling of classified documents. During and after the raid on his Florida home, the former president was repeatedly found to be playing the victim, acting as though none of it was his fault. Rumors continue to swirl about the existence of more documents within the hands of the former president, even over two years after leaving office. This is not the only investigation involving the former president's actions while in office. 

The current president has been forthcoming with information and has rationally dealt with media and the DOJ. President Biden is also under investigation for being in possession of classified documents from his time as Vice President. When a possible search was brought to the attention of the current president, he willingly consented and allowed the DOJ to search all of his properties around the states. 

As new information continues to come forward in both cases, it's important to treat them both with neutrality regardless of personal political affiliation. Both parties are undoubtedly in the wrong, but the severity of their actions and reactions to being caught should be looked at with a critical eye. This situation is another example of the emotionally motivated, and, frankly, explosive behavior of the former president.

The views articulated in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the official stances of The Progressive Teen or High School Democrats of America.

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