The Internet’s Role in Shaping Youth Perspectives on Palestine

Article by HSDA Muslim Caucus Chairman Zayed Kadir. This article was published as a collaboration with the Muslim Caucus and the TPT and is also associated with their caucus publication “The Crescent” (logo given at the bottom).

The younger generation is becoming significantly more pro-Palestinian following the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. And social media has played a large factor in why.

Recent statistics have shed light on a change, in the viewpoints held by generations when it comes to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, American Millennials and Gen Z individuals are increasingly inclined to favor the side of the conflict compared to age groups. Specifically, the data revealed that 61% of Americans under 30 years old tend to sympathize more with Palestinians, which stands in contrast to the 33% among those aged 50 and above. This shift is further supported by a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, which found that young adults are evenly split in their support between Israel and Palestine—a departure from the generation's predominantly pro Israel stance. These statistics highlight a change in attitudes, towards this ongoing conflict.

The rise of Palestinian journalists and content creators on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok has played a significant role in shaping the perspectives of young people on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Accounts from Gaza have thrived, offering unfiltered insights and on-the-ground reporting that challenge traditional media narratives. This direct access to Palestinian voices has correlated with increased support for Palestinians among registered voters under 40. The presence of these journalists on social media has not only provided a more nuanced understanding of the conflict but also fostered a sense of connection and empathy, contributing to the growing pro-Palestinian sentiment among the youth.

The availability of Non-Western media sources, like Middle East Eye and Al Jazeera, has brought forth alternative narratives and perspectives on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. These narratives have struck a chord with audiences. These platforms often cover stories and viewpoints that're not as prominently featured in media, providing a broader context and deeper understanding of the lives and challenges faced by Palestinians. Western Media are typically criticized for privileging Israeli perspectives and overlooking the broader context of Israel-Palestine.  Consequently, young people are exposed to a range of information, leading to a shift in their perception and potentially influencing a more supportive stance towards Palestine. This exposure has played a role in fostering a nuanced conversation, among the younger generation, who are becoming increasingly involved in international discussions and advocacy efforts.

The generational divide in opinions toward Israel and Palestine is evident in polling data, which shows a stark contrast in attitudes between older and younger Americans. This division suggests a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the conflict is emerging among the youth, influenced by a combination of personal values, global awareness, and the democratizing effect of social media.

The younger generation’s sympathy for Palestinians reflects a broader trend of questioning traditional narratives and seeking a more equitable and just world. As social media continues to shape public discourse, it is crucial for all stakeholders to engage in open, informed, and empathetic dialogue to address the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and work towards lasting peace.