Our Future, Our Fight

JULY 14th - 17th | Location to be Announced Soon

The High School Democrats of America (HSDA) will be hosting another extensive Summit in the nation’s capital this year!

High School Democrats will gather from July 14th through 17th for a transformative experience, uniting high schoolers from across the country for a series of trainings, speaker sessions, panels, tours, and networking events.

The goal of our Summit is to equip young leaders with the grassroots organizing and advocacy skills needed to become “Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today’s Voices.” We brought together the best and brightest of young Democrats and ensured they had the tools and connections they need to secure Democratic victories up and down the ballot in their communities AND empower other students around them to get involved.

A Thanks for Your Continued Support

Your continued support inspires and motivates us, but we can only go as far as our funds allow us. If you appreciate the work that we as an organization are doing, we strongly encourage you to financially support us. Your generous donation of any amount helps us improve in-person organizing, grant tuition scholarships to students so Summit is accessible, fund state initiatives, and strengthen our internal framework. You can make a donation on our official GiveButter here: https://givebutter.com/hsdasummit2025. We can also arrange for a wire transfer if you are making a donation larger than $1000.




The HSDA Summit is the yearly in-person meeting of the High School Democrats of America. Summit allows our members to meet, organize, plan, and strategize to advance the policies of the Democratic party and elect Democrats up and down the ballot. This year’s theme of Our Future, Our Fight, emphasizes the importance of fighting as the future leaders of our party and country.

We bring together the best and brightest of young Democrats and ensure they have the tools and connections they need to secure Democratic victories up and down the ballot in their communities AND empower other students around them to get involved.

Examples of previous events at HSDA Summit are: National Mall tours, lobbying on the Hill, keynotes from inspiring Democrats, and trainings on everything from electoral technology to running a local chapter to fundraising to digital organizing to leadership development.

Essentially, investing in the HSDA Summit is the best way you can invest in the future of the Democratic Party!

Contact HSDA with questions at hsda@hsdems.org.

How to Donate:

The preferred donation method is through GiveButter: bit.ly/hsdems
We track donations and will reach out via email to confirm the sponsor level you donate at and request more information about the individual/organization sponsoring HSDA Summit 2025. Donations less than $100 do not receive any sponsorship benefits.

Contact us at hsda@hsdems.org for alternative methods of donating.